
C Basic Syntax – Statements, keywords, identifiers & comments Tutorial

In this C tutorial we learn what code statements are. We cover special reserved keywords in C and how to…

Example 8: Inverted full pyramid of *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *…

Example 7: Full Pyramid of Numbers

1 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 5 6 7 8…

Example 6: Full Pyramid of *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *…

Example 5: Inverted half pyramid of numbers

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 C Program #include int…

Example 4: Inverted half pyramid of *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C Program #include int…

Example 3: Half Pyramid of Alphabets

A B B C C C D D D D E E E E E C Program #include int…

Example 2: Half Pyramid of Numbers

1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 C Program #include int…

C Program to Print Floyd’s Triangle

Example 10: Floyd’s Triangle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Program #include int main()…

C Program to Print Pascal’s Triangle

Example 9: Pascal’s Triangle 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1…

C Program to Print Pyramids and Patterns

In this example, you will learn to print half pyramids, inverted pyramids, full pyramids, inverted full pyramids, Pascal's triangle, and…

C Program to Display its own Source Code as Output

In this example, you'll learn to display source of the program using __FILE__ macro. Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams starting…

C Program to Read a Line From a File and Display it

In this example, you will learn to read text from a file and store it in a string until the…

C Program to Write a Sentence to a File

In this example, you will learn to write a sentence in a file using fprintf() statement. Limited time offer: Get…

C Program to Store Data in Structures Dynamically

In this example, you will learn to store the information entered by the user using dynamic memory allocation. Limited time…

C Program to Store Information of Students Using Structure

In this example, you will learn to store the information of 5 students by using an array of structures. Limited…

C Program to Calculate Difference Between Two Time Periods

In this example, you will learn to calculate the difference between two time periods using a user-defined function. Adobe Creative…

C Program to Add Two Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function

In this example, you will learn to take two complex numbers as structures and add them by creating a user-defined…

C Program to Add Two Distances (in inch-feet system) using Structures

In this example, you will learn to take two distances (in the inch-feet system), add them and display the result…

C Program to Store Information of a Student Using Structure

In this example, you will learn to store the information of a student in a structure and display them on…

C Program to Sort Elements in Lexicographical Order (Dictionary Order)

In this example, you will learn to sort 5 strings entered by the user in the lexicographical order (dictionary order).…

C Program to Copy String Without Using strcpy()

In this example, you will learn to copy strings without using the strcpy() function. Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams starting…

C Program to Concatenate Two Strings

In this example, you will learn to concatenate two strings manually without using the strcat() function. Adobe Creative Cloud for…

C Program to Find the Length of a String

In this example, you will learn to find the length of a string manually without using the strlen() function. Adobe…

C Program to Remove all Characters in a String Except Alphabets

In this example, you will learn to remove all the characters from a string entered by the user except the…

C Program to Count the Number of Vowels, Consonants and so on

In this example, the number of vowels, consonants, digits, and white-spaces in a string entered by the user is counted.…

C Program to Find the Frequency of Characters in a String

In this example, you will learn to find the frequency of a character in a string. Deploy more with Linux…

C Program to Find Largest Number Using Dynamic Memory Allocation

To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following C programming topics: C PointersC Dynamic Memory AllocationC for Loop…

C Program Swap Numbers in Cyclic Order Using Call by Reference

In this example, the three numbers entered by the user are swapped in cyclic order using call by reference. Limited…

C Program to Access Array Elements Using Pointer

In this example, you will learn to access elements of an array using a pointer. Limited time offer: Get 10…

C Program to Multiply two Matrices by Passing Matrix to a Function

In this example, you'll learn to multiply two matrices and display it using user defined function. Limited time offer: Get…

C Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix

In this example, you will learn to find the transpose of a matrix in C programming. Limited time offer: Get…

C Program to Multiply Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Arrays

In this example, you will learn to multiply two matrices and display it using user-defined functions. Limited time offer: Get…

C Program to Add Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Arrays

In this example, you will learn to add two matrices in C programming using two-dimensional arrays. Students and Teachers, save…

C Program to Calculate Standard Deviation

In this example, you will learn to calculate the standard deviation of 10 numbers using arrays. Limited time offer: Get…

C Program to Find Largest Element in an Array

In this example, you will learn to display the largest element entered by the user in an array. Adobe Creative…

C Program to Calculate Average Using Arrays

In this example, you will learn to calculate the average of n number of elements entered by the user using…

C program to calculate the power using recursion

In this example, you will learn to calculate the power of a number using recursion. Limited time offer: Get 10…

C program to Reverse a Sentence Using Recursion

In this example, you will learn to take a sentence from the user and reverse it using recursion. Limited time…

C Program to Convert Binary Number to Octal and vice-versa

In this example, you will learn to convert binary numbers to octal and vice versa manually by creating a user-defined…

C Program to Convert Octal Number to Decimal and vice-versa

In this example, you will learn to convert octal numbers to decimal and vice-versa manually by creating a user-defined function.…

C Program to Convert Binary Number to Decimal and vice-versa

In this example, you will learn to convert binary numbers to decimal and vice-versa manually by creating a user-defined function.…

C Program to Find G.C.D Using Recursion

In this example, you will learn to find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two positive integers entered by the…

C Program to Find Factorial of a Number Using Recursion

In this example, you will learn to find the factorial of a non-negative integer entered by the user using recursion.…

C Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion

In this example, you will learn to find the sum of natural numbers using a recursive function. Limited time offer:…

C Program to Check Whether a Number can be Expressed as Sum of Two Prime Numbers

In this example, you will learn to check if an integer entered by the user can be expressed as the…

C Program to Check Prime or Armstrong Number Using User-defined Function

In this example, you will learn to check whether an integer is a prime number or an Armstrong or both…

C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Intervals Using Function

In this example, you will learn to print all prime numbers between two numbers (entered by the user). Students and…

C Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using switch…case

In this example, you will learn to create a simple calculator in C programming using the switch statement. Limited time…

C Program to Display Factors of a Number

In this example, you will learn to find all the factors of an integer entered by the user. Limited time…

C Program to Display Armstrong Number Between Two Intervals

In this example, you will learn to find all Armstrong numbers between two integers entered by the user. Limited time…

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not

In this example, you will learn to check whether the number entered by the user is a palindrome or not.…

C Program to Calculate the Power of a Number

In this example, you will learn to calculate the power of a number. Get $100 of free cloud computing. Build…

C Program to Check Armstrong Number

In this example, you will learn to check whether an integer entered by the user is an Armstrong number or…

C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals

In this example, you will learn to print all prime numbers between two numbers entered by the user. Students and…

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not

In this example, you will learn to check whether an integer entered by the user is a prime number or…

C Program to Reverse a Number

In this example, you will learn to reverse the number entered by the user. Limited time offer: Get 10 free…

C Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer

In this example, you will learn to count the number of digits in an integer entered by the user. Limited…

C Program to Display Characters from A to Z Using Loop

In this example, you will learn to print all the letters of the English alphabet. Limited time offer: Get 10…

C Program to Find LCM of two Numbers

In this example, you will learn to calculate the LCM (Lowest common multiple) of two numbers entered by the user.…

C Program to Find GCD of two Numbers

Examples on different ways to calculate GCD of two integers (for both positive and negative integers) using loops and decision…

C Program to Display Fibonacci Sequence

In this example, you will learn to display the Fibonacci sequence of first n numbers (entered by the user). Deploy…

C Program to Generate Multiplication Table

In this example, you will learn to generate the multiplication table of a number entered by the user. Limited time…

C Program to Find Factorial of a Number

In this example, you will learn to calculate the factorial of a number entered by the user. Students and Teachers,…

C Program to Calculate the Sum of Natural Numbers

In this example, you will learn to calculate the sum of natural numbers entered by the user. Limited time offer:…

C Program to Check Whether a Character is an Alphabet or not

In this example, you will learn to check whether a character entered by the user is an alphabet or not.…

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative

In this example, you will learn to check whether a number (entered by the user) is negative or positive. Limited…

C Program to Check Leap Year

In this example, you will learn to check whether the year entered by the user is a leap year or…

C Program to Find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation

In this example, you will learn to find the roots of a quadratic equation in C programming. Limited time offer:…

C Program to Find the Largest Number Among Three Numbers

In this example, you will learn to find the largest number among the three numbers entered by the user. Limited…

C Program to Check Whether a Character is a Vowel or Consonant

In this example, you will learn to check whether an alphabet entered by the user is a vowel or a…

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd

In this example, you will learn to check whether a number entered by the user is even or odd. Limited…

C Program to Swap Two Numbers

In this example, you will learn to swap two numbers in C programming using two different techniques. Adobe Creative Cloud…

C Program to Demonstrate the Working of Keyword long

In this example, you will learn to demonstrate the working of the long keyword. Limited time offer: Get 10 free…

C Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char

In this example, you will learn to evaluate the size of each variable using sizeof operator. Limited time offer: Get…

C Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder

In this example, you will learn to find the quotient and remainder when an integer is divided by another integer.…

C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character

In this example, you will learn how to find the ASCII value of a character. Students and Teachers, save up…

C Program to Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers

In this example, the product of two floating-point numbers entered by the user is calculated and printed on the screen.…

C Program to Add Two Integers

In this example, the user is asked to enter two integers. Then, the sum of these two integers is calculated…

C Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User)

In this example, the integer entered by the user is stored in a variable and printed on the screen. Adobe…

C Program to Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers

C Program to Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers In this example, the product of two floating-point numbers entered by the user…

C “Hello, World!” Program

In this example, you will learn to print "Hello, World!" on the screen in C programming. To understand this example,…

Python Statements, Comments & Indentation

In this tutorial we learn about execution statements, documenting our code with comments, and how indentation defines scope. Statements A…

Utilizing list elements in Python

Till now, we have created a list and accessed individual elements of that list, now its time to learn how to use all of…


#include int main() { int n, i, flag = 0; printf("Enter a positive integer: "); scanf("%d", &n); for (i…

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